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Hear what Jack Canfield says about The Law of Abundance

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The Law of Abundance is:

A science that brings great clarity and predictability to your life
A philosophy that can broaden your insights and influence
A journey that can take you anywhere you want to go
A spirituality that can insulate you from failure
A vision that can bring you great fortune
A key to unlocking life’s mysteries
A process for transformation
A gift to all humanity



Here you can:

  • Learn about the most powerful force in the universe and how it directly impacts your life and outcomes every moment of every day, and how you can use this powerful force to gain anything and everything you want.
  • Discover – How this same force directly impacts everyone on every level from personal to global, and how we can all use this great force to improve everything, from our personal lives and relationships to the entire world.
  • Explore ways you can use this never failing law to create the life of your dreams and chart your course to abundant success.
  • Understand what happened when you failed to achieve your goals in the past and how you can be certain that you will never fail again.
  • Know how to manifest everything you desire. Happiness, great relationships, a healthy, fit body; financial wealth, contentment, plenty of freedom to enjoy the life you have designed, and an overall sense of well-being and empowerment can all be yours when you know how to apply the principles that drive The Law of Abundance.

The Law of Abundance provides an exact formula that unfailingly leads to an abundance of the things we want when we are aligned with it. It works all the time for everyone, bringing us an abundance of whatever we design our lives to receive.

The Law of Abundance does not guarantee what we will have an abundance of. That is entirely up to each of us. If we misuse the law, we end up with an abundance of the things we do not want (pain, lack, misery). If we use it correctly, we end up with an abundance of the things we do want and enjoy.

Like the Law of Gravity, we can use this unfailing law to our benefit or to our detriment. The resources you will find here will help you use this powerful law to your ever growing benefit.